" What's in a name? " 

Misk'i Takiy is a name that was gifted to me by one of my dear friends and teachers from the Amazon, to mark the end of several years of apprenticeship. In the context the name was given, it translates from the Quechua language as "man who sings sweetly". I have wondered occasionally if "sometimes" should be added to the translation. 

The name that I was given at birth is Gareth, a traditional British Celtic name which carries the meaning 'gentle and brave'. It is a name from my ancestral lineage that reminds me of the memory of my people and the deep magic of the land of my fathers. 

The moniker Dr. Fox was bestowed upon me many years ago now in good grace and humour by another beloved teacher one fine morning in our fox-frequented sanctuary in the UK. I lived, learned, and worked with him for more than 3 years and will remember those good old days of my youth, and the twinkle in his eye, forever fondly. 

Mostly nowadays, I live in the Sacred Valley of Peru, in a small village named Taray, a couple of kilometres from the town of Pisac,  in the Cusco region, at " La casa de mis abuelos ", the mountain home and healing centre of the well known Peruvian Maestro Alonso del Rio and his family. You can find more information about us and some of our projects here at http://www.ayahuasca-ayllu.com 

My life and work has become deeply rooted in the exploration and clarification of the four elemental altars, the Earth, Water, Fire, and Air; and all of the relations and archetypes carried within each altar. This is an embodied practice of healing, sanacion in Spanish - healthy action, a continuous walk of the spiral and purification of the prayer. In alignment with this, I have come to understand that every human heart carries the same prayer at its deepest core, that of unity, harmony, balance, peace, sovereignty, mutual empowerment and unconditional love ( and every human, heart, and prayer is a work in progress, deserving of respect and compassion ).

As storyteller, songwriter, and musician, primarily I write songs that have been created as medicine for me or others, reflections of experiences encountered that contain tales comprised of words and messages that have given me strength, hope, inspiration, and love when I have been in need. My path through this life has taken me to live in many countries, experience a wide range of circumstances and situations, and afforded me the opportunity to study many areas of interest: these are woven into the fabric of the songs. I am deeply indebted and grateful for the traditions of North and South, East and West, for all their inspiration and wisdom - that when analysed - can lead one to a complete understanding of universal principles.

There is no song that I sing that has not helped shed light on something... this is one of my deepest prayers, that healing comes to those who are in need, and me too. In my life, whenever I have needed to understand something, to pray for something, to heal a wound or a false understanding, a damaged relation, then a song has shared itself with me with the intention to bring healing that specific area of conflict. I believe that through the power of song we are able to explore and share the depths of our being, find comfort, and whatever it is that is needed to achieve resolution, reconciliation and true healing. I am ever grateful for the creativity that allows the most painful or sorrowful experiences to be expressed and transformed into the most beautiful sentiments and songs. 

Many of the songs I write are inspired by ancient healing traditions from around the world, traditions that I have lived in, that I continue to live in, and that I admire and draw support, guidance, and inspiration from. To be able to share these words, stories and songs in a way that they may touch another person is a true and genuine honour. 

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne Williamson


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