Teaching and mentorship program, opening january 2025. limited to 12 students.

The School of the Seven Directions is an educational initiative focused on healing and teaching, a space of deep learning and mentorship. There have been many requests over the years for me to teach, and it has taken some time to clarify how this is to take place.

Each individual who approaches for apprenticeship or mentorship is treated as an individual, and there are some key areas in which factors and techniques can be modified to suit the individual, should they be accepted into this path. Although much we shall study as a group, each individual will be assessed and receive personalised support. There will be 12 spaces available for this study and mentorship cycle.

It is encouraged to write to me and see how this can shape, and what your needs may be - as we have the capacity to teach and be taught in many areas, and each one comes from a different place - and we have to meet you there.

In the curriculum we shall begin with elements of space holding, working with the Elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air - creating and honoring these Altars inside and outside of ourselves. There will be musical and movement classes and mentorship, and accountability structures put in place so that we move forwards in a supported, resourced and fully embodied way.

Most of the teaching and group work will take place online via Zoom, including opening and closing ceremony, however, there will be in - person intensive study options available here in Peru and in North America.

You automatically receive admission to the gateway of The Four Altars Study Group, a flagship study of what will become foundational to our growth and essential grounding for what is to come in the months and years ahead.

Secondary steps may include Dieta, Immersive Retreats, Ceremonial Initiations, Ceremonial Design, one-on-one mentorship and ongoing support. 

This course is also designed for those who wish to enter into long - term educational and supportive relationship with me. I take this very seriously, and encourage you to do the same.

We shall look at several healing traditions from around the world - including South and North America - and how they have in modern times migrated from their original context - the benefits and potential pitfalls of this also.

We shall look at the definite and possible traps that lay along this path, and how we can be well informed and well protected against them.

We shall study sacred song in different contexts and the healing power of music - and how to employ this to the best of our ability - whether we are a musician, or we wish to create a musical soundscape to help assist healing journeys.

Along the way, depending on your area of interest, there will be many other options which can be elaborated upon in person in order to respect the privacy and safety of this work.

This is a deep commitment to self and service. The course will take place over 11 months, beginning in January 2025 and ending December 2025. Although there will be a strong emphasis on ceremonial space and structure, this course is not intended solely for guides or facilitators - it is intended for anyone who wishes to pursue their own journey of healing and growth from a foundation of self-knowledge and integrity, and along the way learn to be well supported, well resourced, and well informed. 

Please write for more information and to receive the application form. Each year the cohort will be limited to 12 people in order for in depth education to take place. You will be expected to commit, and show up - there is no other way to learn.

Fees for enrolment in the 11 month program will be given in the application package.

In love and service.

What are The Seven Directions?

The Seven Directions are a vertical and horizontal framework, a multi - dimensional design which maps our personal and shared space. It include the Four Altars of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air - the Four Cardinal Points of East, South, West and North - the Underworld journey, the Middleworld journey, and the Upperworld journey - the Seven Arrows of Gratitude, the Seven Chakras and much more. I prefer not to share the precise structure and way in which it works  for obvious reasons - the full essence is in the teaching and way that it is held.




 ( you are welcome to register your interest now and be the first to receive early bird notification when application opens. ) 

In 2024, Study groups are ordered geographically, with 2 groups running concurrently. These will be organised as:

Group 1: UK and Europe

Group 2: North America 

 I am blessed to have permission to help share the knowledge of The Four Altars, and my own understanding from my work together with Alonso del Rio, on this and other projects over the part decade or so. It is a responsibility that I do not take lightly, and consider an honour. 

We have found that studying as a community of individuals greatly deepens the experience of reading, practicing and learning. We are also able to meet good people, make friends, to share, and to learn together in a good way.

2024 will see a reworking of the wheel, with more emphasis on practical teaching , exercises and practices to support our learning.

To keep things simple, Study will initiate again on Monday MARCH 25th 2024 around the time of the equinox. Our intention is to form a strong core or sangha who wish to take this step together in a meaningful way. This will be our third round of the spiral, ( my personal commitment is to open and nurture this space for 7 years ), this being our third intake of students of consciousness and life, and in true homage to the spiral nature of existence, there will be no beginning and be no end to the learning, should you wish to continue in following years. Most of what is going to be shared will be foundational, meaning that it is an entry to some of the other offerings this year, a deeper educational relationship with me, and in years to come. This is the first stage of entry into The School of the Seven Directions, my personal educational project.

Additional offerings that will help this learning for this year include Dieta in October in Peru, and Four Altars Retreats that I am holding during the months of July, August and September).

Study will take place during the 6 months from around March Equinox to around September Equinox.

Our first month will be seed sowing, our introduction and initiation.

The following 4 months will be covering a different - yet sequential - topic of enquiry.

Month 2: The Altar of the Earth - incorporating our Ancestry, Masculine energy, creativity and relationship with Money .

Month 3: The Altar of the Water - incorporating Feminine energy, the emotional world, sexuality and sensuality.

Month 4: The Altar of the Fire - incorporating our relationship with Power, medicines, our mind and mental patterns.

Month 5: The Altar of the Air - incorporating our understanding of love, the heart and harmony.

Month 6 will be our rest and digest / integration / practice month, culminating with the closing of the circle for this year.

Our core mode of study will be through enquiry, reading, discussion, and sharing practices that help engage more fully with the material. Our core reading text is The Four Altars by Alonso del Rio, and to own a copy of this book, either in print or PDF is essential. We begin with the book, but we go beyond the pages.

Through this study we will enhance our understanding of the 4 Elemental Altars of Life, the Earth, Water, Fire and Air and the teaching, clarification and healing contained in each one. These are the building blocks of our solid foundation of moving into the present with grace and envisioning and creating a deep and meaningful future. There is much to be learned. These elements are not only around us, but inside of us, cultivating healthy relation with them is incredibly beneficial to the life.

To keep it simple, this is the foundation. Then, there are optional ceremonial offerings also, such as prayer groups, meditation events and the Dieta groups, which will be offered in 2024 and the following years. In 2025 our prayer is to plant a Vision Quest based on this design and the evolving Seven Directions design. 

In order to register commitment and continuing commitment, there is an economic exchange for this study, 2025 base price will be set later this year. We offer a standard fee, a pay-it-forward fee for those who are in more affluent financial state,  a discounted fee for those with financial limitations at present - and scholarship options dependent upon circumstance. Basically, none shall be excluded for reasons of financial insecurity or hardship. Those that pay more also pay the way for those who have less, it all evens out in the end. 

We will meet every 2 weeks on a Monday evening online using the Zoom platform, sessions will be recorded so that those who are unable to attend that particular session will be able to catch up. This content will not be made available to anyone who has not enrolled in the study group. 

Additional community support will be provided in a private Mighty Network.

If you are interested and can commit, then please send a message by the contact form above and more information will be given - or - if you make the donation for the study, then the information will automatically be sent within a few days.

THE FOUR ALTARS COMMUNITY STUDY GROUP 2025 Early Bird Registration will open in October 2024. We begin in MARCH 2025.
  • THE FOUR ALTARS COMMUNITY STUDY GROUP 2025 Early Bird Registration will open in October 2024. We begin in MARCH 2025.

THE FOUR ALTARS COMMUNITY STUDY GROUP 2025 Early Bird Registration will open in October 2024. We begin in MARCH 2025.

Not available
Not available

We will be making the next round of the 4 Altars spiral, beginning in late MARCH 2025. If you have questions please reach out. We shall be elaborating the design and structure of the classes and community spaces to provide a more immersive and intensive experience in 2025 - more information to come in September.

Registration will open in October

We will be making the next round of the 4 Altars spiral, beginning in late MARCH 2025. If you have questions please reach out. We shall be elaborating the design and structure of the classes and community spaces to provide a more immersive and intensive experience in 2025 - more information to come in September.

Registration will open in October 2024 for the 2025 journey, our fourth turn of the spiral - our year of being held in The Altar of the Air, and what it means to live a life guided from the heart.

There is no need to have enrolled in previous years to take part as each year is a stand-alone walk of the spiral. This is a fully supported 6 month study of The Four Altars - the book of Liberation, and a deep excavation and exploration of all the archetypes contained within. It also incorporates practices and practical exercises - and much more.

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